David Snavely

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David Snavely - Investment Advisor

Puget Sound Annuities leader, David Snavely leads the financial planning firm which was brought about through the company he founded 36 years ago—Sound Investment Services. He focuses on retirement income planning and assists clients as they create customized plans to meet their future goals. Mr. Snavely’s company provides an array of services as well as financial products. These include retirement and estate planning, insurance, and investments. In his spare time, he can be found enjoying the outdoors.

David Snavely Investment Advisor Des Moine

David Snavely - An Annuities Investment Advisor

Annuities investment advisor, David Snavely was born and raised in Washington state. He was raised in the Redmond area and born in Seattle. He is the founder of Sound Investment Services of Des Moines, and he formed that company 36 years ago. He is the Safe Money Radio Host for KTTH 770 AM Seattle on Saturday afternoons. His company, Sound Investment Services, is responsible for Puget Sound Annuities.

David Snavely Washington Annuities Investment Advisor Puget Sound Annuities Safe Money Radio Host Sound Investment Services Youtube

David Snavely was born in Seattle, Washington and raised in the Edmond Area. He founded Sound Investment Services of Des Moines 36 years ago. On Saturday afternoons, he is a Safe Money Radio Host at KTTH 770 AM in Seattle. His company brought about Puget Sound Annuities which works with Seattle-based clients. The annuities firm creates customized financial plans for retirement and meets each client’s unique goals.

David Snavely Washington Investment Advisor author outdoorsman Leader

David Snavely founded Sound Investment Services 36 years ago, and from that company, he started Puget Sound Annuities where he assists clients with retirement incoming planning and investing in annuities.

David Snavely Washington Philanthropist